Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Assignment 3 Results

Feedback is in and it's OK!

the pouring one is not sharp (too slow a shutterspeed), the one before that has the cup cut off....
but, good job on posing them, on finding nice compositions

So that feedback was better than I thought I was going to get.  I have a achillies heel of cutting crap off. I re took some because I noticed I cut it off. The pouring one is the result of a shaky hand. If I had a steadier hand it would have been sharper.  Also the autofocus was going behind the cup?? So I had to manually focus it.

Overall I think it was good feedback.

                                       Top of cup cut off

Monday, January 18, 2016

Assignment 4

Hi photoclass,
This week, we are going to work on composition. What I want you to do is make 5 different photo's of a sodacan.
1 where the camera is higher than the can
1 where the camera is the same hight as the can
1 where the camera is lower than the can
1 with the can in the middle of the photo
1 with the can at about 1/3 of the photo
at least 1 with natural light (sun or clouds), at least 1 with artificial light (candles, lightbulbs, flashlights, whatever you want that isn't the sun) (can be mixed with the previous 3)
you can mix those.... so a photo with the can in the middle, shot from the same hight and using natural light covers those 3 requirements all in one photo

  • mind your background : make sure it fits the photo, when in doubt, search for a white wall or use a sheet of paper to make your own... put the can on the bottom and bend the paper against the wall to make a seamless background
  • use a tripod or pose the camera on a stable surface to get sharp long exposures
  • look at the photo's and try to improve them while shooting, don't be satisfied with the first attempts
I thought a lot about what I wanted to do, and I had some fun ideas. But when it came down to actually doing it my head just wasn't in it. 
Artificial light from the fridge

This one I'm not sure of. Shot vertically since the cup is vertical, but doing so cuts the can off. I'll probably hear about this one.

Natural light outside, shot above can
Camera at same level natural light.

I don't feel like I gave it my all on this one. I did a lot of shots over and over.  I used my tripod and the can pouring one. I feel like I could have changed the exposure on that one a little to lighten it up and get a longer exposure of the drink pouring.

Yes, I love Diet Pepsi.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Mirror Assignment 2

"Hi photoclass,
As the lessons are rather theoretical at the moment I'll keep these assignments really active.
For this assignment, I would like you to make a creative photo using a mirror. How you do this is your own choice, you can use one or multiple mirrors, you can leave them and make a photograph of the mirror or you can use the mirror for effects... it is up to you!
For this assignment, photoshop is allowed but it needs to be mentioned in the comments."

My initial  was to photograph the fishtank and use the glass as an mirror. It did not work. I didn't get one shot in the 20 minutes I was trying. So I took a "Screw you fish!" attitude and moved on to another idea. I have one mirror that isn't attatched to a wall. It's my make up mirror. The neat thing about the make up mirror is it has a LED light around it which causes a ring on my eye. So I did two different types of photos. One with a drawing mannequin and then myself.

Since it was a makeup mirror, he had to be holding makeup!

These next ones were extremely hard to get. I had to shoot blind so I couldn't line it up at all. It was just guess work.

It wasn't exactly the outcome I wanted, but it was close. And yes, I did freshen my mascara for this close up.

The comments review of them:
put the light behind the camera and look at it to get it in your eye
like your submission, but it's a bit cut off at the bottom

I did ask which one was the one he thought was cut off and it was the first one, which after looking yep. It sure is. :(

AHHH! They actually liked it!?? I'm a teacher's pet. Let's get that out in the open. PLUS this person is a AMAZING photographer. 

So I'm a lot more pleased with the outcome of this assignment. I could even classify it as giddy that they liked it.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

10.10.10 results

The reviews of the photos weren't that bad this time around. They did say when something is vertical to turn the camera vertical. So that's was a "I'm a idiot" moment. Also to take more time on them, which I would have loved to do. Next time...I hope.

Should have. Could have. Will now.

 I found another shot that didn't cut off the reflection. A lot of people did like this one too, but were bummed out the reflection was cut off. I was too. So I found one that wasn't.

Sometimes you need a hero and sometimes you need to be the hero.

Internet is still out at home. Library, thank you for your Wifi.

Monday, January 4, 2016


I am doing a online class through reddit.
I'm excited to do this and get the feedback I need to improve. 
The first assignment was 10.10.10. Drive/walk/skip/run etc 10 minutes. You get a 10 step radius from where you end up and then you get to take 10 photos.
Not all mine are fantastic. I had to take the toddlers. Toddlers who love to run. I hope the next assignment I am able to leave them behind.

I was setting up the below picture when these guys flew off. I had to quickly adjust my settings on the fly.

This thing gets ignored a lot I think

Poor guys, freezing and mad at me for stopping their running off into the distance.

I needed to switch lenses to get the silly thing in focus. I see that now. Too late!

Fallen tree from the ice storm

I was running out of things in my radius, so I played with the wind,shadows and my hair.
This one is my favorite

Now we wait for feedback!