Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter Portraits

This Easter I tried to get portraits of family at Easter. 
Fortunately most of them allowed me too. 
Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate that much the whole weekend.

This one I should have changed to a different lens. I was using the prime lens. Should have switched.

This time I put the camera in Aperture priority mode and let the camera figure it all out. The prime lens is perfect for portraits! It really does a great job.  However for other shots like I mentioned before not as good as another lens would be. At least that's what I'm figuring.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Weekend Assignment 08

Get the proper exposure of the sky.

This one took a little while for me to get done. I wanted to wait until the weather was a little bit decent. But that never came. I went out while it was overcast. I had the directions and parameters written down on a post it note to reference. Then after the first photo I looked down into the camera bag and the post it note was gone. The wind had taken it away. So I had to wing it. and winged it badly I did. I botched it. 

They just came out..blah

I went out again and this time it was sunny.

So I need to work on the overcast obviously. 
Teacher's feedbackw as 
"Looks Good!"